About Origami Owl
Origami Owl is a jewelry company that specializes in custom Living Lockets.
Started by a 14 year old girl in 2010, Origami Owl has grown into a multi-million dollar direct sales company that strives to be a Force for Good while also empowering women to run their own business.
Origami Owl was founded in 2010 when 14 year old Bella Weems decided she wanted a car for her 16th birthday. Her parents told her she would have to buy it herself. With a wad of babysitting money and little help from her parents, Bella and her Mom started selling customizable lockets from a mall kiosk.

The kiosk was wildly successful. By 2012, Origami Owl was re-launched with a direct sales business model. Within five years the company boasted 45,000 independent designers.
The Mission
Origami Owl’s mission is to be a force for good,
to love + inspire + motivate people of all ages to reach their dreams and empower them to make a difference in the lives of others.
Force for Good
Origami Owl strives to be a Force for Good. This means creating a positive work environment for all employees; creating a culture that is fun, creative, and caring; and fostering a ‘pay it forward’ attitude. Each month Origami Owl donates to a worthwhile cause, supporting foundations from Childhelp to the American Cancer Society. Additionally, Origami Owl created the Live Sparkly Initiative which uses the profits from select jewelry pieces to help a family in need each year.
The Jewelry
Origami Owl’s original and most popular jewelry line is the Living Locket. This piece of jewelry is designed to let you tell your story. The glass locket can be filled with little charms that represent different parts of your life. The locket opens and closes, allowing you to change your charms as your story changes.
Browse through my Locket Inspiration posts for ideas on how to tell your story with charms.
Origami Owl offers lots of other jewelry too.
Like Stick It Lockets
Bar Necklaces
and watches
Are you thinking you absolutely need a piece of jewelry like this for your collection?
Guess what! You can shop online at hannahmyers.origamiowl.com
Interested in becoming a designer and sharing your locket stories with others?
Contact me here and we can chat!
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Email me through this form here
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