Christmas 2020 was different than most- not because it happened amidst a pandemic, but rather because it was my first married Christmas. We, thankfully, remained relatively unaffected by the pandemic while we tried to find a new balance between our respective family celebrations. In lieu of gifts, Dylan and I opted for filling stockings for each other- which we opened in our apartment, prior to heading home for the holidays. After a hasty Tuesday evening of packing, wrapping, and eating dinner under our Christmas tree, we outran a snow storm and arrived at Dylan’s house in time to spend a snowed-in Wednesday with his parents.
Christmas Eve

I spent Christmas Eve fulfilling my ‘Auntie Hannah’ role at Dylan’s parents’ house. We enjoyed a tomato soup and grilled cheese lunch followed by an afternoon of opening presents. Dylan and I were gifted a new Smart TV for our living room (from his parents) and an extensive cocktail set and recipe book (from Dylan’s brother) so we can learn how to properly mix drinks in 2021. We quickly put our new set to work and made old fashions and mint juleps to be enjoyed with a filling dinner of chicken wild rice soup and charcuterie. We greatly missed going to Christmas Eve service, as unfortunately there was no live church services due to COVID.
The Charcuterie Matching outfits with Fin
Christmas Morning

We made it to my parents’ house just in time to open up Christmas Eve pajamas and head to bed to await Santa’s visit. We awoke to stuffed stockings, Dad’s famous eggs in the oven, and fresh cinnamon rolls on the counter. We enjoyed a laid back morning of opening presents from Santa and from each other, as well as gifts from Grandpa and Therese- who had already left for Florida. The hits: Dolly Parton’s Songteller for me, a Costco membership for Dylan and I, a new outfit for Meg, a bowling ball lawn ornament for Mom, and a massage gun for Dad.
Christmas Day

As per usual, Christmas Day was spent at my Grandparent’s house. We enjoyed a rich meal of prime rib (grilled by Dad), mashed potatoes, corn casserole, green bean casserole, and grape salad, accompanied by a Mrs. Prindable’s caramel apple dinner favor. We spent the evening opening gifts, eating cookies, and enjoying one another’s company.
On the day after Christmas, the Scholten women went post-Christmas shopping in Brainerd, before returning home for a night of Bingo. The shopping was a disappointment- though we arrived early, most stores were already down to slim pickings- TJ Maxx only had a single table of Christmas stuff left! Bingo, on the other hand, was no disappointment at all! We spent a solid few hours calling out numbers and yelling “BINGO”, with few complaints from the peanut gallery. Great gifts were given and received by all.
New Years Eve
Come Sunday, Dylan had to return to Fargo for another week of work. Being that there were no events the last week of December, I was able to stay at home and enjoy time with Meg and Mom for a week. We worked on a puzzle, watched TV, and played card games with our cousins.
We continued our normal New Years Eve tradition of driving to my Uncle’s house (Dylan met us there), eating an absurd amount of fondue, going for a walk, and finishing the night watching Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve.
And thus we rolled into the new year! I hope your holiday season was as normal as possible and filled with the same charms as usual, plus a few new ones! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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