Weekend Recap: Frozen II, Trivia, and Turkey

This last weekend was Thanksgiving. I hope you had a wonderful long weekend filled of lots of charms. My favorite charms of people (does that make sense?) came home: my sister, fiance, and best friend from college. I got to enjoy three days worth of their presence and boy was it good!

Frozen II

On Tuesday, Dylan and I drove to Brainerd to meet Meg and Kenzie on their way up North. We had a bit of a mishap at the theater (sold out seats, no good showtimes, a backpack full of smuggled McDonald’s…trust me, it wasn’t good), so we ended up changing our plans a bit. We ate an unexpected dinner at the China buffet before going to the late showing of Frozen II.

The theater was so full, even at the 8:45 showing, that we had to sit in the handicap seats. Despite the crowd, the constant seat mixups by the people in front of us, and the noisy kiddos in the theater… we still enjoyed the movie and by the time we left the theater, Elsa had started a flurry for us to enjoy on our drive home!

Get the look:

Here’s a closeup of the lockets Meg and I wore to the movie theater. My Elsa inspired look consisted of a blue faced locket filled with snowflakes and an arrow to represent the journey Elsa goes on in this movie. The Anna locket has a few spoilers so I’m not going to say what each charm represents, but I’m sure you’ll get it if you’ve seen the movie.


It may have been Thanksgiving, but the main event of this weekend was really our Harry Potter Triwizard Trivia Tournament. This was our second Tournament (read about the first one here), so the rules were already set and it had been previously established that a Wizarding meal must be served.

I curated a menu of Molly Weasley specialties. We dined on onion soup and Irish soda bread. Though my cooking probably wasn’t half as good as Mrs. Weasley’s, this meal tasted delicious. On the other hand… though the pumpkin pasties looked like perfection…

They tasted like puke. I would highly suggest NOT making savory pumpkin pasties. Idk, maybe I did them wrong… then again, maybe garlic and cheese don’t belong with pumpkin.

In the background of the first picture you may spot some sort of pie thing. It was supposed to be a treacle tart. I don’t want to talk about it. Please don’t ask.

Get the look:

This is what most of our afternoon looked like: Three Ravenclaws and an Hufflepuff gathered around a Trivial Pursuit board asking each other questions about Harry Potter. In the end, Kenzie won, Meg lost and the people in the middle don’t really matter. Regardless of final rank and poor menu items, fun was had by all… I hope.


Our Thanksgiving looked the same as always: a day spent with family eating lots of food, playing a few games, and trying not to fall asleep after dinner. All in all, a perfect day.

Dang look at that gorgeous plate! A colorful plate of yummy food ranks high in my list of charms of life. I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with lots of good food and fun family time. I’m wishing you many charms in this upcoming holiday season!

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