Minnesota Winter Adventures: Snowshoeing

Oval Origami Owl Locket hanging on Orange Snowshoes

December 2018 was bleak and brown. We got a few little snow dustings, but it was most definitely not beginning to look a lot like Christmas (proof). Then, like the answer to my Christmas wish, it magically began to snow on the night December 26th. And then… it didn’t stop snowing. It kept coming and coming. Giant, soft, warm snowflakes, straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. By the time it quit (over 24 hours later), SIXTEEN inches had accumulated! It was everything I had ever hoped for. The world was quiet and covered with the softest blanket of pristine white snow. Snow storms are most definitely one of my favorite little charms of life.

And so I took advantage of this fresh snow by going snowshoeing.

Dylan and I loaded up our snowshoes and warmest winter clothes into my car and headed to McGregor, Minnesota to hike around our favorite state park trail.

Savanna Portage State Park Winter Trail map

Savanna Portage State Park used to hold the northland’s very best cross country race. Both Dylan and I ran cross country all through school, and this meet was always much anticipated. Not only did you get to run on trails around a lake and through a campground (a welcomed break from the monotony of golf courses), but this meet always took place during peak fall colors. It was the prettiest run, therefore even the slowest runners didn’t mind running it (cough, cough me).

And so we drove 40 minutes away from home so we could snowshoe on the same trail we so fondly remembered running.

Snowy path in the woods

We came prepared for freezing temps, but were pleasantly surprised with a 30 degree day. We enjoyed our walk glove-free and a little sweaty in our wool sweaters.

Hannah and Dylan with snowshoes in woods

Living in Minnesota, you have to be able to appreciate the little charm that is winter. And with that winter charm comes the little charm of lots of snow. To celebrate my love of snow and outdoor recreation I created this locket:

Snowshoe locket in snow

Because of its snowshoe-like shape, I chose the Legacy Oval Living Locket to hold my collection of snowflake charms. This locket is most perfect winter locket for any gal that loves snow. I have been throwing it on with so many different outfits. And with the Wheat Lanyard Chain, it’s pretty enough to wear to church, yet durable enough to wear while substitute teaching first graders.

Hannah wearing Snowshoe locket with red vest

What are your favorite little charms of winter? Do you love the snow? Or is it outdoor activities like skating, snowmobiling, and ice fishing that excite you? Tell me about your winter charms in the comments below!

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